
Montag, 18. September 2006 um 19.00 Uhr in der Galerie 5020, Sigmund Haffnergasse 12/1


11. KomponistInnenforum Mittersill



Präsentation des Künstleraustauschprogrammes des Landes Salzburg und des Virginia Center for the Creative Arts/USA durch
HR Dr. Monika Kalista, Kulturabteilung des Landes Salzburg

The Virginia Center fir the Creative Arts is an international working retreat for writers, visual artists and composers located at Mt. San Angelo, a 12-acre hilltop in Amhearst County, Virginia, approximately 160 miles southwest of Washington D.C.
In this bucolic rural setting, the VCCA provides residential fellowships of two weeks to two months where artists may work, free from the distractions and responsibilities of day-to-day life.